What is Chiren Therapy?

In the 1970s, pioneering German physicist Fritz-Albert Popp developed a method to observe biophotons and began systematic experiments on a fundamental level, which inspired Boswinkel’s research on the practical applications of this discovery beginning in the 1980s.
Boswinkel made the critical observation that the patterns of coherent and chaotic biophotons displayed by individual cells matched the patterns of electrical resistance at acupuncture points as described by Dr. Reinhard Voll, the German founder of electroacupuncture, in the 1940s. Voll proved that each acupuncture point corresponds to a different organ. Therefore, Boswinkel developed a device that determines where biophotons in the body are disturbed based on the electrical response at acupuncture points on the hands and feet.
Biophoton assessment
In a typical session, the Biontologist®️ uses the electroacupuncture points according to Voll to identify any disturbances in one or more organ systems. If a disturbance (chaotic pattern) is detected, the biontologist®️ can test it against a counter-signal/frequency to a particular ailment to determine whether that information brings the light energy emission back to a coherent pattern.
Biophoton treatment
During the treatment the Chiren®️ receives the biophotons emitted by a client through a glass rod held in one hand. Inside the instrument the body’s coherent light is amplified, while the chaotic light is inverted. The light energy is then sent back to the body via a second glass rod held in the other hand.
On this filtered, healthy light energy , that is not created by the instrument but by the body itself, informational remedies are given to the client. Millions of corrective cycles are made within a second, since biophotons are light particles, which travel with the speed of light. The same process of measurement and treatment is repeated on the feet.
The basic principle of the Chiren®
Because two opposite signals neutralize each other, inverting the chaotic light neutralizes the original frequency signal; therefore, faulty instructions are “deleted”, leading to a correction in the body’s chemistry and relief of symptoms on the physical level.
In the case of a healthy person, the corrective inversions of chaotic light alone will remove any minor disturbance that may be present. The Chiren®️ without added information will “clean up” or “fine-tune” the body’s light emission.
In the case of a client with a significant imbalance in one or more organ systems, additional counter-signals or informational remedies, that were identified as being helpful in the assessment, are added to the light sent back to the client to help resolve the underlying issue.
The self-corrective cycle created by the Chiren®️ is very safe, since it only restores the body’s natural ability to self-heal.
A biophoton session is completely noninvasive, and no drugs, supplements, or other substances are administered – only light and information.
What to expect during a session
No medical diagnosis
It is not possible for any Biontologist®️ to guarantee a medical diagnosis based on the imbalances that are measured or the remedies that are needed in the biophoton treatment. This is because what is measured energetically is not always manifested or visible in the physical, and some disturbances that are manifested are not necessarily measurable directly. So a statement as to whether someone does or does not have a disease has no place in Biontology®️ sessions. Labels (diagnoses) are unimportant. The aim of this treatment is to release energetic blockages and disturbances in the body to restore its self-healing capacity.
However, after seeing many clients, Biontologists®️ often start to recognize patterns and correlations. This allows them to share a personal interpretation of what might be causative in a physical condition which may be recognized as a disease, which can be very accurate. Johan Boswinkel the developer of the Chiren has proven this many times in the past. When sharing these interpretations, a client should understand that they are not diagnoses.
No additional manipulations
Apart from the biofeedback treatment with the body’s own biophoton light energies , the Biontologist®️ uses no other means to manipulate the physical or energetic body.
No supplements, (medical) drugs*, homeopathic remedies, crystals, energetic devices, spiritual healing, other therapies etc. are added during a chiren treatment session , to avoid any interference with the body’s own course of healing initiated by the light treatment, and delay or even block results.
*Biophoton treatment can still be applied effectively for clients currently taking doctor-prescribed medications and we do not generally recommend any changes to existing prescriptions, but it is to be expected that more sessions than average are required.
How many sessions?
Providing there’s no interference of other physical or energetic treatment (see previous section) or environmental disturbances, a client typically needs 5-10 sessions to completely restore biophoton coherence.
Usually results are experienced very soon after starting the therapy. If there’s no change in symptoms within 4 sessions (or 8 sessions in cases where heavy medication is used) it is advised to look for another practitioner.
Frequency of sessions
The first 2 treatments should be no less than 3 and no more than 5 days apart. After this, the frequency is no more than once per week. The sessions are there to initiate the self-healing action. For the healing itself, the body needs time and rest. This is why the break between sessions is as important as the session itself. Treatment more than once weekly might overburden the body and delay healing.
An outlined session Interview
The practitioner will first assess whether there’s any reason not to start a biophoton treatment. Then a short interview follows to get a general picture of the imbalances experienced by the client.
Skin resistance measurement is first performed on several points on the hands to establish whether whiplash or a condition that’s referred to as electron spin-inversion is present. When these conditions are found the client is treated for them first. The practitioner will explain what environmental causes there might be for the spin-inversion and how it can be prevented or corrected in the future.
After this, all points on each finger and toe of both hands and feet are measured to get an overall picture of what organ systems are affected energetically.
Testing remedies
Now, informational remedies are tested that might balance the body out. This involves testing (measuring on the points) for every remedy that is chosen by the practitioner and added to the list in the Chiren®️.
Hand treatment
A treatment with glass rods in both hands is carried out. The Chiren®️ receives the body’s biophoton emission through the rod held in the right hand.
Inside the instrument the body’s coherent light is amplified, while the chaotic light is inverted. The light is then sent back to the body via the glass rod held in the left hand. This rod can be recognized by a blue light.
Footplate treatment
Two glass plates are placed underneath the feet to run a program that takes about 20 minutes.
Children under 12 usually don’t get a footplate treatment, but sometimes a second short hand treatment is given if necessary.
Final check up
A third measurement, which is our final check up, will be taken after the first 2 which assesses how your body has responded to treatment.